Neighbourhood areas and forums
Our neighbourhood planning map shows approved areas and forums and adopted neighbourhood plans across the borough.
Please see below for more information about each neighbourhood area and forum.
Our neighbourhood planning map shows approved areas and forums and adopted neighbourhood plans across the borough.
Please see below for more information about each neighbourhood area and forum.
Adopted plans become part of the statutory ‘development plan’, These will be used alongside the Council’s own adopted planning documents when making decisions on planning applications in a neighbourhood area.
Your community can influence the future of your neighbourhood by preparing a neighbourhood plan. This should set out the vision for your local area and give general planning policies to guide developments.
Please see below for guidance to help your community decide whether to get involved in neighbourhood planning. It will also help you to prepare a plan if you do.
Advice on preparing neighbourhood plans (PDF)
Locality provides support to communities with neighbourhood planning. You can apply for direct support and funding and receive useful advice and contacts through their website.
Contact us at [email protected] if:
We are inviting representations on the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan 2025 to 2040 which is intended to replace the Neighbourhood Plan the Council adopted in 2018.
We are also consulting on a redesignation application from Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum. This is to renew the Forum for a further 5 years.
See the revised Plan and redesignation application on our Hampstead forum page.