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Development Plan documents

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Local Plan

Camden Local Plan Review 

Work has started on the review of the Camden Local Plan 2017 – the Council’s main planning document, which provides the framework for managing development in the borough. Find out more and read and comment on the draft new Local Plan

Adopted Local Plan

The Council has adopted a number of planning documents that together form the development plan for Camden. This is the starting point for planning decisions in the borough.

The Camden Local Plan is the key strategic document in Camden’s development plan.  It sets out the vision for shaping the future of the Borough and contains policies for guiding planning decisions.  

The Local Plan was adopted by Council on 3 July 2017. It has replaced the Core Strategy and Camden Development Policies documents. It is now the basis for planning decisions and future development in Camden.

All PDFs

Camden Local Plan (High resolution)

Camden Local Plan (Low resolution)

Adoption Statement

Consolidated Sustainability Appraisal

Policies Map Alterations

Further information about the preparation of the Camden Local Plan: Camden Local Plan adoption page.

Policies Map

The policies map displays the areas covered by different planning policies in Camden. It is available in two formats:

Interactive map :  planning designations and constraints can be selected individually or in combination. A zoom function makes it easier to see which policies apply to an individual property, site or area. 

PDF map

Note on Archaeological Priority Areas (APAs): since the Camden Local Plan was adopted in 2017, the APAs have been reviewed by Historic England's Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service (GLAAS).  GLAAS has proposed revised areas and descriptions for the APAs in Camden: this is set out in a report submitted to the Council in 2018.

The GLAAS report therefore forms the most up-to-date information regarding APAs in the borough. The proposed changes will form part of the evidence base for the Council's Local Plan review


Site Allocations

Site Allocations Review

The Council are reviewing the Camden Site Allocations Plan (2013). This document sets out the Council's approach to future development on key sites across the borough.

The Council consulted on a draft Site Allocations Local Plan document in 2020 and again in 2021/ January 2022. Details of this consultation and responses can be viewed here

The decision was then taken in early 2022 to include the site allocations within the review of the Local Plan document. More information on the Local Plan review including site allocations and supporting documents can be viewed here

The draft new Local Plan 2024 replaces the 2020 draft Site Allocations Local Plan and once adopted will supercede the Camden Site Allocations 2013.

Adopted Site Allocations Plan

Our site allocations document forms part of the ‘development plan’ for Camden. This is the starting point for planning decisions. It sets out guidelines for future development on significant sites across the borough likely to be subject to development proposals.

Camden adopted the current Site Allocations Plan in September 2013.

Euston Area Plan

The Euston Area Plan has been prepared to guide the transformational change of Euston station and the surrounding area.

Fitzrovia Area Action Plan

The Fitzrovia Area Action Plan has been prepared in response to development pressures and to coordinate proposals for identified sites in the area. 

North London Waste Plan

The North London Waste Plan (NLWP) sets out the planning framework for waste management in the seven north London Boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest.

The North London Waste Plan was adopted by the Council on 27 June 2022 and now forms part of Camden's statutory development plan. It has also been adopted by the other boroughs. The Plan identifies suitable sites for the management of north London's waste and policies for determining planning applications for waste facilities.

Further details including the Inspectors Report, Main Modifications and Sustainability Appraisal can be found on the NLWP website.

Camden Planning Policy Newsletter

Camden's Planning Policy Newsletter keeps you up-to-date with the work on the Council's planning policy documents and related planning news. 

December 2024 Planning Policy Newsletter