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Paying rent for your council home

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Ways to pay your rent

There are lots of ways to pay your rent.  

You'll need your 7-digit rent account number. It's found in the bottom right corner of your rent card and starts with a 1, 2, 8 or 9. 

If you need a new rent card, call 020 7974 4444

Pay using your Camden Account 

Use your Camden Account to pay your rent and check your balance. You'll need your rent account number the first time you check your balance.

Log into your Camden Account

Pay online

You'll need your debit or credit card, or bank account details and rent account number every time you make an online payment. 

Pay online

Pay by Direct Debit

Direct Debit is the simplest way to pay rent, garage, parking or shed charges. You can choose to pay on either the 15th, 22nd or the 28th of the month.  If the amount changes, the Direct Debit automatically changes too.   

Set up a monthly Direct Debit by completing a Direct Debit mandate (PDF) or by phoning the Rent Support Team on 020 7974 1486

Return the completed form to: 

Rents and Charges Team 
Leaseholder Services 
London Borough of Camden 
Camden Town Hall 
Judd Street 
London, WC1H 9JE 

If you’re in rent arrears call 020 7974 4444 to speak to your Income Officer to make a repayment arrangement. The agreed amount can be taken by a separate Direct Debit. 

Pay by standing order

You can set up a standing order with your bank. Your bank will take the correct amount from your account each month and pay it to us.  

Account name: L B Camden Rents Account 
Sort code: 50-30-03 
Account number: 24312827 
Reference: your 7-digit rent account number 

If you do not have telephone banking, download the Rent Standing Order form (PDF) and send this to your bank instead. 

You must: 

  • pay your rent in advance whether you pay weekly, every 2 weeks or monthly 
  • tell your bank if your rent amount changes 
  • tell the rent and charges team if you cancel your standing order 

If your rent amount changes you must update your standing order. 

If you cancel your standing order you must contact the Rent and Charges team.

Pay by telephone

Telephone our automated payment line on 020 7974 6104 and pay using a credit or debit card. 

Pay at a Post Office

Take your rent card and payment to the cashier.  

Pay at any PayPoint outlet

You can pay your rent anywhere you see the PayPoint sign.

Find your nearest PayPoint

Pay directly from your Camden salary

If you work for us, we can take your rent from your monthly salary. Contact the Rent and Charges team for an application form. 

Pay by your bank's internet or telephone banking

You can pay using your bank's website or telephone banking facility. You will need to give the following payment details: 
Account name: L B Camden Rents Account 
Sort code: 50-30-03 
Account number: 24312827 
Reference: your 7-digit rent account number 

Rent discrepancies 

If there is a discrepancy in your rent payment or balances call us on 020 7974 4444 to discuss it. 

Money worries, or in rent arrears

If you have money worries or are in rent arrears, it’s important to contact a member of the Housing Income Team as soon as possible. 

If you’re worried about money 

If you're worried about money, there is advice and support available. 

If you're in rent arrears  

If you are behind with your rent, you must contact us as soon as possible.   

We want you to maintain a successful tenancy and will work with you to set up an affordable repayment plan until the debt is paid off. We will always try to understand the reasons for not paying. 

Court action 

We may take court action if you do not contact the Housing Income team, or do not keep to an agreement to repay your rent arrears.  

If we take court action, we will always offer to meet you first to explain what will happen and your rights. The next step will be to serve you with a legal notice. This tells you the amount of rent you owe and gives you 4 weeks' warning that we may apply for a possession order. This means we have the right to end your tenancy and you will lose your home.  

Going to court could mean you pay court costs, currently over £450. It may also affect your chances of getting credit in the future. 

Universal Credit: paying your council rent

If you’re a Camden Council tenant and receiving Universal Credit (UC) your housing costs are usually included in your monthly UC payment.  This replaces Housing Benefit. 

This means you're responsible for paying your rent. In exceptional circumstances, the housing element of UC may be paid directly to us. More details are in the DWP’s leaflet Personal budgeting support and alternative payment arrangements (PDF). 

Claiming UC 

When you claim UC, you will need to provide the following information about your home and rent: 

  • the total amount of rent charged 
  • the total amount of eligible service charges 
  • name and address of your landlord  
  • rent-free weeks: if you're a Camden Council tenant there are no rent-free weeks 
  • how many people are liable to pay the rent besides the UC claimant 
  • how many bedrooms your property has 

If you do not know this information, contact the Rent Support team: 

You will be asked for your landlord’s name and address which is: 

Housing Income Team
Camden Town Hall 
Judd Street

Paying your rent from UC  

Your UC is paid monthly so you'll need to know your monthly rent amount. This includes rent and service charges such as caretaking and heating.   

The easiest way to pay your rent is by Direct Debit.   

It may take more than 5 weeks from your online claim before you receive your first UC payment. If you're in financial need and cannot wait until this payment you can get an advance. You can apply online or through your Job Centre Plus work coach. 

Call the Universal Credit helpline if you need help to apply. 

If you're in rent arrears by 2 months or more we'll ask for some of your UC payment to cover the arrears. 

Extra help towards your rent 

Changes to your rent amount

Rent amounts are reviewed annually and you’ll be given at least 4 weeks notice before a change is made. 

You must update your standing order if the rent amount changes. Your Direct Debit will change automatically. 

If you're receiving Housing Benefit then contact us. If you're receiving UC you must contact DWP to update them.  

How we contact you

We may send you emails, text reminders, or letters and we may phone you. 

  • Text messages will always have the heading ‘Important message from Camden Income Team’
  • We'll provide information about ways to pay your rent on the website and our payment line 020 7974 6104
  • We may invite you to contact us if you need support or advice for example if you're struggling to pay

We will never ask you to send personal information such as your bank details. If you receive a suspicious email or text and are worried it may be a scam, contact us on 020 7974 4444.  

Rent and other charges explained

Your rent is made up of: 

Net rent 

This is the basic charge for your home. The rent we charge depends on the size of your property and the estate services we provide.  

Your net rent is reviewed each year. Any increase must meet strict guidelines set by the Government.  

Estate service charges 

Your weekly charge can include several services such as:  

  • caretaking and estate cleaning services 
  • your digital TV connection 
  • the 24-hour Responsive Security Patrol  

There may also be charges if you have taken our contents insurance or rent a garage, shed or parking space. 

The separate amounts that make up the weekly charge are shown on the notification letter we send you each year and any time there is a change to the amount you need to pay. 

Water charges 

We no longer manage water charges on behalf of Thames Water. For water-related charges visit Thames Water's website or call 0800 980 8800

Heating and hot water 

If you're a tenant and the energy in your home is provided by the district heating system, you pay a weekly heating charge with your rent. If you're a leaseholder, your heating charge is included in your service charges. 

Some homes on the district heating network have a heat meter installed. Find out about heat meters and how we calculate your charges.  

If your home is not on the district heating system, you pay your gas or electricity supplier directly. 

Rent statements 

We will send a rent statement each quarter that shows a breakdown of your: 

  • charges 
  • account adjustments 
  • payments  
  • weekly balances 

When you check your statement, some payments may not be credited to your account the same week you make them. 

You can check your balance online or get a statement of your account by signing up for a Camden Account.  You will need your pay reference number to register.  

If you're a new tenant, you must wait a week after you signed your tenancy agreement before you can create a Camden Account. 

Sign up for a Camden Account

Call 020 7974 4444 if you have a query about your rent statement.