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Gospel Oak and Haverstock Community Vision

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Gospel Oak and Haverstock Community Vision

Gospel Oak and Haverstock Community Vision

The Council adopted the Gospel Oak and Haverstock Community Vision as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 4 November 2022.

The SPD builds on existing policies and priorities in the adopted Camden Local Plan and other plans and strategies. The guidance sets out some key development principles and planning objectives to help shape, influence and guide future development proposals in the area so that they are acceptable and can deliver positive benefits and improvements to make the area even better for the local community. 

Related documents

The adoption of this SPD follows on from significant consultation and engagement across the community starting in autumn 2020 when a dedicated Neighbourhood Assembly was established.

Gospel Oak and Haverstock Neighbourhood Assembly Report

Responses to the consultation helped us update and revise a final version of the adopted SPD. Public consultation on the draft planning guidance took place from 5 November 2021 to 20 January 2022. A consultation feedback report of the responses can be viewed here

An Equalities Impact Assessment was carried out during the preparation of the planning guidance.

Equalities Impact Assessment (EquIA) (PDF)

The Council also considered whether the planning guidance required statutory Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment and prepared this report:

SEA and HRA Screening Assessment (PDF)

What happens next?

A summary version of the SPD and a delivery strategy will be prepared during 2023. 

The Supplementary Planning Document will be used as a material consideration in decision making on planning applications.  

There will be separate consultations on individual proposals for sites and other projects in the area, including further planning policy guidance for major sites in a future new Draft Site Allocations Plan.

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