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Visitor parking permits

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Visitor parking permits

Residents who are over 16, live in Camden for at least five nights per week and some businesses, can apply for a visitor parking permit.

There are two different permits you can apply for:

  • short stay visitor permits
  • all day visitor permits (not available in all parking zones) 

What you will need

Proof of address

Please provide proof that you live in Camden. This could be either:

  • a Council Tax bill
  • front and signed pages of your tenancy agreement

Documents must include your name and address

Visitor permits can be purchased up to 20 days in advance and are non-refundable and cannot be changed once purchased. 

If you are over 75 years old or disabled, you can purchase a discounted short-stay visitor permit. Please select the older or disabled option when registering. Or update your Camden Account with evidence to access these permits. 

You can find more information about permit types and examples of the documents you can use as evidence at, terms and conditions for parking permits.


Short stay business visitor permit

Businesses north of Euston Road that appear on the business rate register may apply for a short stay visitor permit.

Apply for a short stay business visitor permit

Permit fees and charges

Find out more about the costs and charges for visitor permits at permit fees and charges.

Using visitor parking permits

This is a pay as you go service where visitor permits are purchased when needed or up to 20 days in advance. They are not amendable or refundable once purchased.

You can purchase visitor permits as follows:

The annual allocation runs from 1 April to 31 March.

Short stay visitor permits are available in 15-minute blocks and can be extended if processed before the final 15-minute period starts up to the maximum 4 hours.

Please see the full terms and conditions.

Trade permit

Trade permits are also available for builders, trades and other service providers engaged in work for a local resident or business who require on-street parking for their vehicle.