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Sustainability and energy policy and planning guidance

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Sustainability and energy policy and planning guidance

Framework for sustainability and energy in Camden planning applications

What is the framework for sustainability and energy in Camden planning applications?

These pages contain information which supports the guidance on sustainability statements in planning applications. Further details of planning policy in relation to sustainability and energy is set out on these pages.

In addition to this, Camden has declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency. The Council has adopted the Camden Climate Action Plan 2020-25, which includes a range of interventions to be implemented via the planning process in Camden.

This page covers relevant policy and guidance documents for:

  • Sustainability and Energy (policy covering both)
  • Sustainability
  • Energy

Sustainability and energy policy

London Plan Chapters 8 and 9

The Publication London Plan December 2020 is the relevant regional planning policy. It includes:

  • policies G1 Green infrastructure, G3 Metropolitan Open Land, G5 Urban greening
  • policies SI 2 Minimising greenhouse gas emissions, SI 3 Energy infrastructure, SI 4 Managing heat risk, SI 5 Water infrastructure, SI 7 Reducing waste and supporting the circular economy

GLA Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG): Sustainable Design and Construction

Guidance from the Mayor of London on the London Plan 2016. Elements of the Supplementary Planning Guidance still carry weight, where they are not superseded by the new London Plan and associated guidance. Includes guidance on regional climate change mitigation and climate adaptation policies.

Camden Neighbourhood Plans and Area Frameworks

Selected areas of Camden are subject to enhanced local policies or briefs, some of which may include specific local requirements relating to sustainability and energy.

Visit the Neighbourhood Plans webpage

Visit the Area Frameworks webpage


Camden Local Plan Policy CC2 Adapting to Climate Change

Main planning policy. Includes requirements and encouragement to optimise sustainability of developments:

  • integration of sustainable construction principles
  • sustainability certifications
  • cooling hierarchy and overheating
  • water efficiency
  • green infrastructure

Visit the Camden Local Plan webpage

Camden Planning Guidance (CPG) Energy Efficiency and Adaptation

Provides advice and information on how we will apply our planning policies.

Visit the Camden Planning Guidance webpage


Camden Local Plan Policy CC1 Climate Change Mitigation

Main planning policy. Includes requirements and encouragement to minimise on and off-site CO2 emissions:

  • embodied emissions
  • passive design
  • efficient supply and distribution
  • renewable microgeneration
  • operational monitoring
  • improvements to existing buildings
  • resource efficiency

Visit the Camden Local Plan webpage

Camden Planning Guidance Energy Efficiency and Adaptation
Additional guidance on policy CC1.

GLA Energy Assessment Guidance
Most recent version of the Mayor of London’s planning guidance for major schemes. In Camden it is also expected to apply for medium scale and is encouraged for minor schemes.

GLA SAP10 worksheet
Carbon reduction calculations using SAP10 carbon factors should be supported with the completed GLA SAP10 spreadsheet

GLA Be Seen Guidance
Most recent version of the Mayor of London’s draft planning guidance for major schemes.

GLA Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Assessments Guidance
Most recent version of the Mayor of London’s draft planning guidance for major schemes.

GLA Circular Economy Statements Guidance
Most recent version of the Mayor of London’s draft planning guidance for major schemes.

Camden Decentralised Energy Networks
Further information on Camden’s networks.