Market trader parking permit
A market trader permit entitles you to park your vehicle in a designated parking bay. You can only apply for a market traders permit if you are a holder of Camden’s full street trading licence. One permit is available per licence.
The permit is valid only for parking in market trader bays during the operational hours of the market and for periods that the licensee is actively trading. If found to be using a vehicle solely for storage or if found to be no longer trading, the permit may be withdrawn.
The parking bay or the vehicle using the parking bay cannot be used for the sale of goods, skills in handicraft or services.
Market trader permits can be issued to:
- goods vehicles – must weigh less than 7.5 tonnes and carry no more than 9 people
- passenger vehicles must carry no more than 13 people, not valid for trailers or motorcycles
- for 6 or 12 months
To apply you will need to log in or create a business account.