Delivery and servicing management plans (DSMP) will need to be sent with your planning application where:
- a major development is proposed for commercial use, or
- any other proposal is likely to generate a large movement of goods and materials.
The information below provides further details about:
- when a DSMP is required
- what information this document should include
- how to submit it to us
- where further information can be found.
When is a delivery and servicing management plan required?
A DSMP should be sent with applications for:
- commercial developments with a capacity of 1,000m2 or more,
- any development likely to generate a large movement of goods and materials
What information should be included in a delivery and servicing management plan?
A DSMP should set out how you will manage the deliveries and the servicing of the development to minimise impact on amenity and operation of highways and transport infrastructure.
For development with a capacity of between 1,000m2 and 2,500m2, the management plan should provide a summary of the location of loading and unloading, along with the hours of servicing. It should also include a section for produced waste and transfer.
For development with a capacity of 2,500m2 or more, the management plan should be more detailed, and include the following information:
- the location of loading and unloading,
- the hours of loading and unloading,
- the frequency and size of vehicles,
- routing, including swept paths where relevant,
- consolidation of deliveries,
- control measures e.g. Low/zero emission vehicles, direct vision vehicles, FORS accreditation etc,
- waste management and segregated wastes, temporary storage, transfer and servicing arrangements.
How do I submit a delivery and servicing management plan?
If you apply for planning permission online using the Planning Portal, you will be given the opportunity to upload your DSMP. This is after you have completed the relevant application forms.
Before uploading any files, please read our guidance notes for submitting electronic files with planning applications (PDF).
If you choose to submit a paper-based application instead, you will need to provide:
- four copies of the information
- four copies of the relevant application forms.
Where can I find out further information?
For further information on preparing and submitting a DSMP, please see the following links below:
- Camden Local Plan policies A1 (Managing the impact of development) and T4 (Sustainable movement of goods and materials)