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Smoke-free Camden

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Smoke-free Camden

Protecting employees and the public from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

It is against the law to smoke in virtually all 'enclosed' and 'substantially enclosed' public places and workplaces. The smoke-free law protects employees and the public from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

It is an offence to:

  • smoke in a smoke-free place or vehicle
  • not display appropriate no smoking signage in a smoke-free place or vehicle
  • allow smoking in a smoke-free place or vehicle.

If you are aware of a premises where smoking is being permitted illegally then report it.

Further information is available by visiting or the Smokefree England website.

What is an enclosed premises?

A premises will be considered enclosed if it has a ceiling and a roof and except for doors, windows and passageways - it is wholly enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily.

What is a substantially enclosed premises?

A premises with a ceiling and a roof that has openings in the walls which equate to less than half of the total wall area. When determining the area of an opening, no account can be taken of openings in which doors, windows or other fittings can be open or shut. This is commonly referred to as the 50% rule.