We know that keeping your home warm can be difficult, especially over the colder months.
There are many organisations that provide help and advice on reducing energy bills.
- Seasonal Health Intervention Network (SHINE)
- Mayor of London Energy Advice Line
- Energy Saving Trust
- Centre for Sustainable Energy
- Energy saving tips on the government website
There are lots of things you can do at home to reduce your energy bills for little to no cost:
- turn your thermostat down by 1°C to reduce your heating bills by up to 10%
- use programmable heating controls to turn your heating on only when it’s needed
- bleed your radiators every so often to avoid air becoming trapped inside and causing your radiator to take longer to warm up
- close your curtains once the sun goes down to keep heat in your home
- Fit thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) to keep frequently visited rooms warm whilst turning off radiators in rooms that aren’t being used
Hot water
- set your hot water tank to 60°C to avoid water from being overheated
- operate combi boilers in condensing mode
- take a 3 minute shower rather than a bath as showers use a lot less hot water
- Insulate your hot water pipes to stop heat escaping or fit your hot water tank with an insulating jacket
- don’t leave electrical items on standby
- don’t keep laptops and mobile phones on charge once they are fully charged
- wash your clothes at 30°C with a full load each time
- keep internal doors closed to reduce draughts
- use ‘eco’ mode on appliances where possible
- adjust the fridge temperature to reflect the weather – lower temperatures in winter and higher in summer
Other tips
- request a smart meter to keep track of your energy use, your energy supplier can install one for free
- look for energy efficient lighting alternatives
See our energy efficiency services page to find out about other advice services and support available to help save money.
If you are struggling with money, visit our cost of living support pages for advice
If you are a homeowner or landlord, you may want to consider installing more significant measures to improve the energy efficiency of your home.