The information below provides further details about:
- when a parking arrangement plan is required
- what information this document should include
- how to submit it to us
- where further information can be found.
When is a parking arrangement plan required?
You should send a plan with applications for developments that involve altering or creating a parking area.
What information should be included in a parking arrangement plan?
A parking arrangement plan should include the following information:
- guarantees that existing entrances and exits will not be altered or blocked
- details of proposed disabled car parking arrangements
- scale drawings and plans showing existing and proposed parking arrangements
- all plans should be produced to a scale of 1:200 or 1:500
- entrances, exits and disabled parking arrangements should be clearly labelled
How do I submit a parking arrangement plan?
If you apply for planning permission online using the Planning Portal, you can upload your parking arrangement plan. This is after you have completed the relevant application forms. Before uploading any files, please read our guidance notes for submitting electronic files with planning applications (PDF).
If you choose to submit a paper-based application instead, you will need to provide:
- four copies of your parking arrangement plan
- four copies of the relevant application forms.
Where can I find out further information?
For further information on preparing and submitting a parking arrangement plan, please see the links below:
- Camden Planning Guidance (Vehicle access to sites, car parking and servicing)
- or contact the duty planner