The late night levy was introduced by the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. The levy allows licensing authorities to charge premises who operate late at night an additional fee. The money generated from these funds is used to contribute to the costs of policing the late-night economy.
The decision to implement a late night levy is open to all licensing authorities. If adopted, the fee applies to the whole of that authority’s area. All licence holders operating a licence which allows for the sale of alcohol between midnight and 6am are required to pay into the levy.
Camden Council decided to adopt the late night levy in 2016 and this was implemented on 28 April 2016.
This means that any premises offering alcohol sales between midnight and 6am (save for exemptions) within the Borough of Camden must pay into the levy.
The exemptions are as follows:
- premises which are authorised to supply alcohol between midnight and 6am on the 1st January every year (New Year’s Day). These non-standard timings must be on the licence.
- premises which qualify for Small Business Rate Relief will have a 30% reduction applied. Qualifying premises are those subject to a non-domestic rate calculated at not more than £12,000.
- premises that are members of a relevant Business Improvement District (BID), involved in business-led best practice schemes will also qualify for a 30% reduction.
No other exemptions apply.
100% of all funds raised from the levy are payed to the Mayors’ Office for policing and crime, on the agreement that the amount is used for policing in Camden.
The late night levy fees are set by legislation and are dependent on the non-domestic rateable value of the premises as detailed below:
Rateable values and bands
Band A: No Rateable Value to £4,300
Band B: Greater than £4,300 to £33,000
Band C: Greater than £33,000 to £87,000
Band D: Greater than £87,000 to £125,000
Band E: Greater than £125,000
Late night levy fee
Band A: £299
Band B: £786
Band C: £1,259
Band D: £1,365
Band E: £1,493
Additional fees for premises used exclusively or primarily for the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises
Band D: £2,730
Band E: £4,440
All licence holders who qualify as a late night premises are required to pay the levy fee at the same time as the annual fee for the premises licence is due. New licence holders are required to pay the late night levy fee within 14 days of their licence being granted.
Invoices will be sent out to licence holders when these fees are due, with instructions on how to pay.
Penalties for non-payment
Failure to pay the late night levy may result in suspension of a premises licence under Section 55A of the Licensing Act 2003, or the suspension of a club premises certificate under Section 92A of the Licensing Act 2003.
Once a licence is suspended, no licensable activities may be authorised under that licence, until any such time as the suspension is lifted.
Providing licensing activities without the appropriate consent, such as when the licence is suspended, is an offence under Section 136 of the Licensing Act 2003. On conviction, such an offence can lead to an unlimited fine, and/or up to six months imprisonment.
Please contact the Licensing Team for further information on the late night levy. Email: [email protected]