Greener Camden
Greener Camden
A Green New Deal for Camden residents. Learn more about what we’re doing and what you can do to tackle the climate crisis, travel more sustainably and look after nature and green spaces across Camden.
What we’re doing for Greener Camden
What we're doing to help tackle the climate emergency
Learn more about what we’re doing and our plans to tackle climate change.
What we're doing for nature and wildlife
Find out more about our ambitions and plans for nature in Camden and how we will achieve them
What we're doing for air quality and cleaner air
Find out about the the different ways that we’re trying to improve air quality.
What you can do for Greener Camden
Find out about services, support and things to do
What you can do to tackle the climate crisis
Explore the different ways you can help tackle the climate crisis in your local community.
Reduce your transport emissions
Practical ways you can reduce air pollution emissions from transport.
What to do with your recycling and rubbish
Find out about our recycling and rubbish services.