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Connect with your community in Camden

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Connect with your community in Camden

Feeling connected to the people around us can help us to feel happier, and even reduces our risk of health problems. There are lots of ways to meet new people and get involved in your local area. Here are some free and low-cost ideas: 

Community centres, local activities and events 

Activities for people aged under 25 

Activities for people aged 55 or over 

These are some of the activities available to people aged 55 or over. Contact your nearest community centre to find out what they offer.  

Volunteering and helping others  

Social groups 

These are some of the social groups available in Camden. Contact your nearest community centre to find out what they offer.  


Befriending schemes offer the opportunity to get to know someone new. 

Social prescribing  

If you're over 18 and want to meet new people but would like support, you can refer yourself to the Community Links team. They will help you explore your interests and find opportunities to connect with other people near where you live.