The information below provides further details about:
- when a tree survey/arboricultural statement or landscaping scheme is needed
- what information these documents should include
- how they can be submitted to us
- where further information can be found.
When is a tree survey/arboricultural statement or landscaping scheme needed?
You need to send a tree survey/arboricultural statement and/or a landscaping scheme with your planning application where:
- your proposed development will involve works to trees or include large external spaces.
- this is both on the associated development site and the surrounding area.
- a landscaping scheme should be sent with applications for major developments that include large external spaces.
What information should be included in a tree survey/arboricultural statement or landscaping scheme?
Tree survey/arboricultural statement
A tree survey/arboricultural statement should include the following information:
- details of the existing species, spread, roots and position of trees
- it should show which trees will be felled as part of the proposed development
- details of trees that will be affected by the proposed development. This includes those next to the site. You should state what measures will be taken to protect them during construction
- plans and documents outlined in : BS5837:2012 - Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations
Landscaping scheme
A landscaping scheme should include the following information:
- details of the proposed materials and species to be used for landscaping. This includes tree and plant numbers, sizes and planting densities
- details of levels, gradients and any earthwork needed for the proposed development
- an outline of the proposed timings for all landscaping activities
- proposals for the long-term maintenance and management of landscaped areas
How do I submit a tree survey/arboricultural statement or landscaping scheme?
If you apply for planning permission online using the Planning Portal, you can also upload your statement or scheme. This is after you have completed the relevant application forms.
Before uploading any files, please read our guidance notes for submitting electronic files with planning applications (PDF).
If you choose to submit a paper application instead, you will need to provide:
- four copies of your tree survey/arboricultural statement or landscaping scheme
- four copies of the relevant application forms.
Where can I find out further information?
For further information on preparing and submitting a tree survey/arboricultural statement or landscaping scheme, please see the link below: