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Camden Council Statement of Accounts

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Statement of Accounts 2023-24

The Council has been unable to commence the period of public inspection for the statement of accounts for the 2023/24 financial year by the first working day in June 2024. Following on from this, there is also a delay in the commencement of the audit and the publication of the audited accounts of the year ended 31 March 2024.

There have been significant delays in the conclusion of audits in local government for several years. The reasons for these delays are primarily related to the Covid-19 pandemic, uncertainties around valuations of property assets, accounting for infrastructure assets and capacity within local auditors and local authority teams. These delays have in turn impacted on the ability of officers to draft and finalise the accounts for subsequent financial years.

The Government and other relevant sector leaders have been consulting on the issues in the sector and the potential steps may be taken to address the backlog of audits. As a result, there may be potentially some changes in the timescales and approach to audit for local authority accounts. More information on this can be found via the website.

As of 3 June 2024, the Council is currently part way through the audit of its statement of accounts for 2021/22 and is preparing the statement of accounts for 2022/23. As soon as the draft 2023/24 statement of accounts are available, these will be published with revised inspection dates. The audited statement of accounts will follow as soon as possible.

Statement of Accounts 2022-23

The Council's unaudited statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023, together with the Annual Governance Statement and Pension Fund Annual Report for the same year have been published and can be viewed using the links below. These are subject to change following audit.

In line with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the associated accounting records and related documents are made available for public inspection between 17 October and 27 November 2024. Full details regarding the public inspection period and process are contained in the full public inspection notice viewable using the link below.

Statement of Accounts 2021-22

The Council's audited statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022, together with the annual governance statement and the audited pension fund annual report for 2021/22, can be viewed using the links below.

These accounts were made available for public inspection between 9 April and 22 May 2024 and were approved by the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee on 26 September 2024. Full details regarding the public inspection period and process are contained in the full public inspection notice viewable using the link below.

Statement of Accounts 2020-21

The Council's audited statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021 together with the annual governance statement and the audited pension fund annual report for can be viewed using the links below.

These accounts were made available for public inspection between 3 October and 11 November 2022 and were approved by the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee on 21 September 2023.

Statement of Accounts 2019-20

The Council’s statement of accounts are subject to external audit. The audited accounts for 2019/20 and the audited pension fund annual report for the year ended 31 March 2020 can be viewed using the links below.

These accounts were made available for public inspection between 2 June and 13 July 2020 and were approved by the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee on 15 June 2023.


Previous Statement of Accounts