Starting your business
Starting your business
Starting a business can be tough but rewarding. It is always good to do plenty of research before you start.
Advice and information
Here are some resources and places you can visit for advice and information on starting your business.
The British Library Business and IP centre
Visit the British Library Business and IP centre for a range of:
face-to-face advice sessions
To help you with things like writing an effective business plan or funding your business.
Centa business services
Centa business services is a leading business support organisation based in Camden. They can help you access:
start-up loans
London and partners
London and Partners provide an online step-by-step guide to starting a business
COBRA (Complete Business Reference Adviser)
Explore COBRA for:
business planning
market research
startup guidance
You can access it remotely with a Camden library membership.
Considerate Companies Guide
A considerate company looks to limit the impacts of the business on the wider area. This includes noise and disturbance. It makes an effort to:
work with the local community to make changes to manage impacts
follow all the necessary legislations
make sure all relevant consent is sought from the Council
Camden wants to help businesses succeed whilst protecting the local area. This guide seeks to help all new businesses opening in Camden. It includes questions each business should ask before opening. It also includes tips to be considerate of neighbours.