Reporting antisocial behaviour
Reporting antisocial behaviour
If antisocial behaviour (ASB) is causing alarm or distress to you or the community where you live you should report this to the Community Safety Enforcement Team.
We take all reports seriously and follow a set procedure once we receive a report. Once your report is made, you will receive a reference number and acknowledgment of your report within 48 hours.
What types of ASB should be reported?
Any behaviour that makes you feel unsafe or you feel may make others unsafe. This covers a wide range but can include
- drug related ASB (drug use, dealing)
- youth related ASB and suspected gang activity
- threatening behaviour, verbal and physical threats and abuse
- vandalism and property damage.
- using a property to sell drugs or for any other illegal activity
- harassment including incidents based on race, gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation
- dog related ASB
Help keep Camden Clean. You can also report if you see someone
- graffitiing or flyposting (sticking advertising posters on walls and other public property)
- littering and fly-tipping (dumping rubbish on our streets, pavements or green spaces)
Please do not touch the waste or put yourself at risk.
If you want to report dumped rubbish or another street cleaning issue please use the Love Clean Streets app.
How to contact Camden Community Safety
Complete our online form to report anti-social behaviour
- Phone: 020 7974 4444 (9am to 5pm Mon- Fri.)
If you're a Camden council tenant or leaseholder and the antisocial behaviour is happening on council estate between 4pm and 4am you can call the Responsive Security Patrol on 020 7974 4444 (every day)
What happens after I report antisocial behaviour?
Your report will be logged by Contact Camden and allocated to an officer in Community Safety
Once we receive your report we may ask for further information from you or consult with partners such as the Police, Housing, Adult Social Care or the Youth Offending Service.
You should receive an email with details of the action taken and a reference number that you can use in any future communications.
We consider factors such as:
- how serious your complaint is
- how often the problem has occurred
- whether there has been other complaints about the ASB
We will keep in regular contact with you and keep you informed of what we are doing to resolve the problem.