Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs)
Planning performance agreements set out an approach designed to take a development proposal from conception to delivery. They are designed to provide quality and timely advice which helps shape projects, giving developers the best chance of gaining approval.
This approach works best when developers come forward to share their vision with us as early as possible in the process. This allows us to work alongside you to shape a programme which will deliver on a shared vision for high quality development in Camden.
A real strength of our PPA service is that it is built on the role we can play, both as experts on the local planning system and our thorough understanding of the needs of local communities and other stakeholders. The Camden Design Review panel, an independent and impartial panel of built environment professionals, can, at our request, offer additional expert design advice to applicants.
While each PPA is bespoke in design, we are guided by a set of principles which ensure that all developers are offered a high quality, value for money service.
- Identification of key planning considerations allowing issues to be addressed up-front in the process by drawing in experts across the council and elsewhere.
- Development of a programme stating project deliverables across the life cycle of the development, including, where applicable, target dates for the project to be heard at planning committee.
- Development of an engagement strategy to ensure that the views of key stakeholders are fully understood and taken into consideration. This would include meetings with the local community and councillors.
- A dedicated point of contact, who will act as a ‘go-to’ person within the authority and take responsibility for delivering on the aims of the PPA.
Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) PDF
Post Approval Agreements (PAAs)
Post approval agreements follow the same approach as PPAs however they cover all post-approval matters, like discharge of conditions, are dealt with in a timely fashion. We will also work closely with the council’s legal team and other departments to ensure section 106 agreements are progressed as efficiently as possible.
PPA and PAA fees - all fees are inclusive of VAT.
- Minor to medium developments £2956
- Minor to medium developments across multiple linked sites £8288.96
- This type of agreement in intended for landowners or key stakeholders who may not have significant/defined development projects which would merit their own PPA, but will require general planning advice over a set period on multiple smaller-scale projects. The link PPA allows for a single point of contact to provide this advice.
- Major Development – Fee: £8,868
- Large Major Development – Fee: £15,200
PPA and PAA fees cover the cost of the agreement only and additional fees will apply based on the scale of the development.