Adoption of revised local area requirements
Where your proposed development involves installing external lighting or floodlights, a lighting assessment must be sent with your planning application.
The information below provides further details about:
- when a lighting assessment is required
- what information this document should include
- how to submit it to us
- where further information can be found.
When is a lighting assessment required?
A lighting assessment should be sent with applications for developments that include the installation of external lighting or floodlighting.
What information should be included in a lighting assessment?
A lighting assessment should include the following information:
- a description of the proposed hours of operation, light spillage, light levels and column heights
- a layout plan of the proposed development site showing beam orientation
- details of the proposed equipment design
- details of the expected impact on neighbouring properties and roads
- a statement of any proposed measures to mitigate or compensate for the possible impacts of the proposed development
- for example, through the planting of trees, hedges or shrubs
How do I submit a lighting assessment?
If you apply for planning permission online using the Planning Portal, you can upload your lighting assessment. This is after you have completed the relevant application forms.
Before uploading any files, please read our guidance notes for submitting electronic files with planning applications (PDF).
If you choose to submit a paper-based application instead, you will need to provide:
- four copies of your lighting assessment
- four copies of the relevant application forms.
Where can I find out further information?
For further information on preparing and submitting a lighting assessment, please see the following links below:
- Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice (Communities and Local Government)
- Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Light Pollution (The Institution of Light Engineer Professionals)
- contact the planning advice and information service.