Camden Adult Social Care Market Position Statement
We work with providers to help them provide the best care and services for residents. In this section, providers can access information, updates and support.
Camden Adult Social Care Market Position Statement
The Market Position Statement (MPS) for Integrated Commissioning Services aims to create a common understanding of the local care market. Covering the need and demand for care, the current supply of services, and commissioning intentions.
This will to enable the effective design and delivery of services for people that need care and support now and in the future. This creates a platform for continued dialogue and collaboration with providers around the challenges facing the local social care and health system, and the market development solutions that exist to improve care outcomes.
We have built stronger relationships with many providers through the pandemic and we want to develop this further. We want to work in close partnership. We want to help existing and potential future providers to understand Camden, the strategic priorities and expectations of the Council, along with the local demographics and needs of the population.
Market Sustainability Plan
The Market Sustainability Plan is Camden's response to current market conditions and incorporates our future vision which includes a programme of transformation that focuses on the objectives of the 'Supporting People, Connecting Communities' strategy and reinforces our ambition that residents are able to live and age well in Camden.