How to report and access support
How to report and access support
Tackling domestic violence and abuse
One in four women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or you are worried about a friend or relative’s relationship, please know you are not alone and there is support available. If you are a survivor of sexual abuse, we are here for you and there is support available. Please contact Camden Safety Net in confidence on 020 7974 2526 or visit the relevant pages on our website.
In an emergency always call 999.
There are a number of local women's groups that may also be able to support you, such as Hopscotch Women's Centre.
You can drop in Hopscotch’s One Stop Shop for domestic violence and abuse.
Hopscotch Women’s Centre/Kentish Town Library
Time: Tuesdays, 10am to 1pm
The 1st and 3rd weeks of the month are at Kentish Town Library, and the 4th week of the month is at Hopscotch Women’s Centre.
Reporting hate incidents or hate crimes
If you witness harmful, hateful behaviour in our borough, or experience it yourself, there is help available. If you experience or see any incident that someone thinks is racist, homophobic, transphobic or due to a person’s religion, belief, gender identity or disability, it may be a hate crime. To find out how to recognise hate crime, how to report it, and where to get support, please visit our hate crime pages.
In an emergency always call the police on 999, or report a non-emergency incident to the police on 101.
If the incident was on public transport you can contact the British Transport police by calling 0800 40 50 40 or texting 61016.
If you've been affected by crime you can also get in touch with Victim Support.
Camden Women's Forum
Camden Women’s Forum is working for gender equality in Camden, and brings together a range of experts and women and girls from across Camden to discuss the issue and barriers that women and girls face. The forum is working directly with women and girls to hear their concerns and experiences, and partnering with employers and businesses, the voluntary sector and service providers to develop practical solutions.
The forum’s latest inquiry focuses on preventing and tackling domestic violence and abuse in Camden. Read more at our Women’s Forum pages.