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Heritage statements in planning applications

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Heritage statements in planning applications

When is a heritage statement required?

A heritage statement should accompany applications for:

  • substantial or total demolition of a building in a conservation area,
  • works to buildings on the local list,
  • works affecting the setting of a listed building or a conservation area, and
  • all listed building applications.

What information should be included in a heritage statement?

You must provide a justification of the proposal under the criteria set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.

You must provide information about:  

  • the significance of the heritage asset affected, including any contribution made by their setting,
  • the principles of and justification for the proposed works, and
  • the impact of the proposal on the significance of a heritage asset, does it cause a lot of harm or total loss of significance.

The information should explain:  

  • the sources that you have considered,
  • the expertise that you have consulted, and
  • the steps that have been taken to avoid or minimise any adverse impacts on the significance of the asset.

If the proposed works would cause substantial harm or total loss of significance, you must provide a method statement and justification in line with National Planning Policy Framework.

The type and amount of detail required will vary according to the particular circumstances of each application.
You can provide this information in the design and access statement, where one is required, as part of the explanation of the design concept.  
If you are not required to submit a design and access statement then you should provide this information in a separate written statement.

The information contained in the above documentation should cross-reference any associated scale drawings and plans.

How do I submit a heritage statement?

If you apply for planning permission online using the Planning Portal, you will be given the opportunity to upload your heritage statement. This is after you have completed the relevant application forms.

Before uploading any files, please read our guidance notes for submitting electronic files with planning applications (PDF).


Where can I find out further information?

For further information on preparing and submitting a heritage statement, please see the following links below: