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Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Planning Referendum results

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Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Planning Referendum results

Neighbourhood Planning Referendum Fortune Green and West Hampstead - 9 July 2015

The first Neighbourhood Planning Referendum for a neighbourhood plan in Camden was held on Thursday 9 July 2015. The Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan had passed examination. The modified version (below) meets all the legal tests. Under the requirements of the Localism Act 2010 a local referendum was held by the Council. Everyone in the Neighbourhood Plan area qualifying to vote in a Local Election were eligible to vote in the referendum. These were British, Commonwealth and European Citizens. The results of the referendum are as follows:

Votes and percentage of votes
Votes % Votes
Yes - 2344 93.08
No - 174 6.91
Total - 2518  


Rejected votes
Reason Number
No Official Mark 0
Voting for more than one answer 0
Writing or mark by which voter can be identified 1
Unmarked or void for uncertainty 3

Total - 4    

The Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan was duly accepted.