Camden Council is hosting the borough’s first ever Faith Awards to celebrate the outstanding contributions faith organisations make to their local communities.
Camden’s Interfaith Network, in partnership with the Faith and Belief Forum, are set to launch the borough’s first-ever Faith Awards to shine a light on the vital work of local voluntary and community organisations.
Residents are now able to nominate organisations they feel make a real difference within their communities, with winners announced at an awards ceremony taking place on 23 May at Camden Town Hall.
Across five categories, the awards will celebrate those who have gone above and beyond to support residents. The categories are:
- Building connected communities and neighbourhoods
- Tackling poverty
- Welcoming and supporting refugees
- Inspiring children and young people
- Outstanding individuals
Councillor Nadia Shah, Cabinet Member for Voluntary Sector, Equalities and Cohesion said: “We are incredibly excited to launch Camden’s first Faith and Belief Community Awards. Camden has a long-standing history of working in partnership with our local faith representatives to support community cohesion. We are fortunate to have so many active faith and community representatives who come together during both the challenging and good times to improve the lives of residents. This is an opportunity to highlight the incredible work happening across the borough and celebrate those organisations and individuals that make such a difference to Camden.”
Sophie Mitchell, Programme Coordinator at the Faith and Belief Forum said: “We are so pleased to be hosting the next Faith and Belief Community Awards in partnership with Camden Council. The awards are about celebrating and honouring those in Camden who, often go unrecognised, but who nevertheless make a huge positive impact on local people in Camden. I encourage everyone to nominate an outstanding group or individual to receive an award at this special event!”
How to nominate
Nominations for the awards are open from 15 March to Sunday 14 April.
For full information about the awards ceremony and how to nominate a project or individual for an award, visit the Faith Belief Forum website.
The Faith and Belief Forum was founded in 1997 and works to build good connections between people of all faiths and beliefs and create a society where difference is celebrated.