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Bloomsbury health walks

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Bloomsbury health walks

The Association of Bloomsbury Squares and Gardens invites you on brisk walks around Bloomsbury to improve your circulation and increase your weekly step count.  

Walks are led by the expert Camden Guides and include a brief stop at the halfway point to hear a few fascinating facts about the location before walking on.  

Please note, this is a wellbeing walk, not a guided tour. 

How it works 

Just turn up on the day for a one hour walk. Spaces are limited and walks go ahead in all weathers. Joining the walks is free. 

Upcoming walks  

Friday 5 July 

Where: 12pm at Mecklenburgh Square 

Theme: Hear about an Elizabethan Philanthropist

Tuesday 9 July

Where: 11am at Gordon Square (cafe)  

Theme: A walk to the Hardy Tree 

Tuesday 16 July

Where: 1pm Bloomsbury Square (centre)

Theme: Hidden bits of the West End 

Monday 22 July

Where: 11am Brunswick Square (centre) 

Theme: Hear about the flamboyant life of Virginia Woolf

Tuesday 30 July

Where: 12pm Marchmont Community Gardens

Theme: Meet the other Francis Bacon 

Monday 5 August

Where: 12.30pm at Red Lion Square (cafe) 

Theme: Discover the Suffragette Hospital

Monday 12 August

Where: 11.30am at St George's Gardens (west gate)

Theme: From an 18th Century graveyard to a Memorial Cherry tree  

Monday 19 August

Where: 12pm at Bedford Square

Theme: Remembering a reggae icon

Tuesday 27 August 

Where: 1pm at Russell Square (fountains)

Theme: Discover some hidden gems in Holborn

Saturday 7 September

Where: 12pm at Bedford Square

Theme: Hear a shocking tale of a Victorian Molly house

Friday 13 September

Where: 11am Bloomsbury Square (centre) 

Theme: Walk a drover's trail

Wednesday 18 September

Where: 12pm at Gordon Square (cafe)  

Theme: Hear about a bit of drama in the Square

Wednesday 25 September

Where: 12pm at Brunswick Square (centre) 

Theme: Visit the haunts of Dunne and Dickens

Tuesday 1 October

Where: 11am at Mecklenburgh Square

Theme: Hear about the UK's first female barrister

Monday 7 October

Where: 12.30pm Marchmont Community Gardens 

Theme: Celebrate the first women students at UCL

Monday 14 October

Where: 11.30am Red Lion Square (cafe) 

Theme: Visit an inn where Shakespeare performed

Tuesday 22 October

Where: 1pm St George's Gardens (west gate)

Theme: Discover some hidden gems in Kings Cross

Tuesday 29 October

Where: 12pm at Bedford Square  

Theme: A most remarkable military hospital

Saturday 9 November

Where: 12pm at Russell Square (fountains)

Theme: Meet the Regency's most famous courtesan


Visit the Bloomsbury Squares website for more information on the gardens. Sessions are run on a volunteer basis by qualified Camden Guides.