Containers for household rubbish
We are testing new containers for household rubbish in Belsize Village. This is to make it easier for you to put out your rubbish, as you can do it at any time of the day.
The containers are black and look similar to grit bins.
You can only use these containers if you live in a flat above a shop at:
- 27 to 72 Belsize Lane
- 7 to 12 Belsize Lane
You can find the containers on the corner of:
- Belsize Lane and Belsize Place
- Belsize Lane and Belsize Terrace
You must make sure that you:
- securely tie your bags before putting them in the container
- place your bags inside the container and then close the lid
- do not put waste on top, next to or around the containers
- do not put loose waste in the containers.
Rubbish should only be left in the containers and not on the street.
The containers will be emptied twice a day.
Clear bagged recycling should continue to be left out on the street, outside your property, each morning.
If you need a new supply of orange rubbish bags or clear recycling bags, please contact Veolia.